I've got the delivery you've been waiting for. So If you've been holding on for dear life not even knowing how to ask for help, or trying in vain to find a way out of your circumstances, with no exit anywhere in sight, or so paralyzed with fear and doubt and regret that you can hardly move a muscle, I've got good news for you today, because I'm not waiting for you to ask for help to come to your aid and I'm not expecting you to find the way out by yourself and I'm not immobilized by all your feelings of despair. Today I'm turning your waiting room into a delivery room because I'm about to deliver you in the midst of circumstances that no man alive could change, and I'm about to birth an answer to your situation that's going to put all your fears and doubts to rest once and for all. I'm about to deliver the very thing that you've been dying for but were too afraid to even ask of me. So you think you've been waiting and some of you feel like it's been in vain, But I want to tell you today that while you been waiting I've been delivering, and I'm going to prove it. I'm not moving you to a different room, I'm changing the room around you while you wait, until you finally realize that you've changed with it. The waiting is finally ending because deliverance really is coming because I the deliverer am bringing it.
(origin 2015)