You have questions that need answers but there’s really only one question that matters because everything else depends on it.
Am I who I’ve said I am or not? If I’m not then the tomb is not empty, and the cross cannot save you and no comforter ever came and there is no help and no hope. But if it’s really true, and I am who I said I AM then that changes everything.
Because it means death can’t kill you.
Sickness can’t incapacitate you.
No addiction can hold onto you,
and your past can’t keep up with you.
No amount of rejection can make you forsaken and
no fear can immobilize you.
The brokenness of this life can’t break you
and no adversary can defeat you.
Poverty can’t prevail against you.
No trauma can steal your peace.
No amount of doubt can keep you from believing.
No lie can keep you from knowing the truth,
and no disappointment can conquer your joy.
No prison cell can hold you.
No tomb can contain you.
Divorce can’t separate you.
Disaster can’t devastate you
and no failure can finish you,
No darkness can keep you from seeing, and no words from the enemy can keep you from hearing, and no amount of lostness can keep you from finding your way.
No battle is too much for you because no giant is a match for you because
no stronghold can stand against you because no demon can hold his ground next to you.
Hell can’t handle you because I am FOR YOU and My promises will never FAIL YOU Because my spirit is IN YOU and my grace is enough for you because my angels are WITH YOU and heaven is open to you.
I am who I am and I did what I’ve done and you are who you are in me, and no one and nothing can change that…
Origin 2023