Depending on others.
It's easier said than done, but only because I've allowed it to be that way. The voices around me echo that same seductive challenge to "stand on my own two feet" or "just figure it out" and "don't ask others to do what you can do yourself", and my own inner voice agrees. Then doing it myself becomes my only option. An option with only one option. But what if I really can't do it myself? What if I don't know how or I'm just not strong enough? Then what? Sometimes I really have fallen, and I really can't get back up on my own. I need a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold or just the assurance that I'm not alone in what I'm dealing with.
The ironic part is that for me depending on others feels like weakness but it's actually the deepest manifestation of personal strength because when I depend on others and invite them into my place of need God is always there. It's just true. But let's be clear he's not just showing up. It's a lot better than that. He runs to me and actually fully participates. He gives the people that I'm depending on supernatural strength and courage and wisdom, and insight to do everything he has in mind on my behalf. In fact, those people become more than themselves, they become an expression of God himself to me and for me. When I walk in a place of deep dependence on God and others I am constantly inviting God to manifest his power and goodness through those around me. Instead of being a helpless victim, I am actually a catalyst for allowing God to work through others on my behalf.
When I choose to walk in that place I'm inviting myself and God and others into a better expression of what it means to be in a relationship and what it actually looks like to love.
In that place, the needs of those around me become as important to me as my own and the suffering of others my own as well. Other people really can depend on me because I am being resourced by God himself just as they are when I am in need. The challenge then is to recognize that I was made to depend on others as they were made to depend on me and God reveals himself through each of us.
Scripture to consider - Isaiah 41:13 - For I hold you by your right hand—
I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’
As I walk this journey today, how have I chosen to depend on myself instead of relying on others because of the times that other people let me down or disappointed me?
What is one step I can take to ask someone for help in a way I normally never would?
How can I create a culture in my life that makes needing others an opportunity and a benefit rather than an obligation?
How would my relationships change if I knew that God was giving me everything I need to support those around me?
Quotable Perspectives
“Life is a delicate balance between the idea that we need others for almost everything and the striking reality that nobody owes you anything!”
― Curtis Tyrone Jones
"Don't believe in miracles - depend on them."
― Laurence J. Peter
"If there is something on your mind that you're worried about, it is so important to have friends you can depend on and talk to in times of need."
― Dahyun
"We often have to put up with most from those on whom we most depend. "
― Baltasar Gracian
A simple prayer for Depending:
Father, thank you that I was created for a relationship with you and with others. Show me how to share my burdens with those around me and help me to be a supernatural resource of your goodness and love for them.